28 January 2020

Where can you find the most favourites in Germany?

Last weeks I showed the number of caches and number of founds. But I prefer quality over quantity. Last week we've seen caches with a large number of finds don't have to be high quality caches. This week I try a different metric for quality: Favourites. 

So this week I show you the number of favourites per square kilometre. Off course areas with many geoaches are also areas where many favourites are given. But there are differences with last weeks maps.

Despite the fact that Hamburg is only placed in fifth position with regards to the number of caches, it's this week's number one with more than five hundred favourites per square kilometre. The number two in number of caches, Berlin, is here also number two with just under five hundered caches.

On the third place we find the first non urban area. The caches from die Helden and their friends have given the the area between Lotsch and Burstadt more than four hundreds and sixty favourites per square kilometres.

Then again two urban areas. Fourth place for Dresden with just over four hundreds favourites. Hanover has the fifth place with over three hundreds and thirty. At last a compliment for Hotbina, with two hundreds and  seventy five favourites per square kilometre, their caches put the small town of Wachtendonk in sixth position on this list.

21 January 2020

Why are the most found caches not the most interesting?

Combining the data from the previous two weeks we find the area's where caches have the most founds. If you think that are also the most interesting caches, your are in for a surprise.

The area with the most logs per cache is Walsleben. There you find two autobahn caches: Walsleben - West and Walsleben - Ost, they have more than four thousand log each and not many other caches in the neighbourhood. Giving this area an average of more than 1350 found logs per cache.

If you've read the two previous post, you might have guessed Hamburg will end up high in this list, and you are correct. It has the second position with an average of 1160 found logs  per cache.

The many caches in Borken in Wernigerode give it's it third place with almost 1140 logs per cache. Positions number four and five are for Neuzelle and Goldelund. The only two other area's that have more than one thousand logs per cache. Both areas have a geotrail that attracts many logs. Schlaubetal- Rundherum in Neuzelle and Zwischen den Meeren near Goldelund.

You probably know with more than 35 thousand founds Lego - einer ist zuviel is Germany's most found geocache. But since there are many caches in Berlin with not many founds, the average number of founds in Berlin is so low, it doesn't appear in the top ten.

14 January 2020

Where are the most caches found in Germany?

Last week I showed you where the most caches can be found in Germany. This week I show you where caches actually are found. The map of the week shows the number of founds in Germany.

It's logical places with many caches will also receive many find logs. So it's no surprise last week number one Dresden is also this weeks number one with almost seven thousand found logs per square kilometre.

A surprise is Hamburg. With only the seventh place last week, it's now coming in second with just over six thousand founds per square kilometre. Pushing last week second place Berlin with fifty eight hundreds to the third place.

München, not even in the number of caches top ten comes in at fourth place with almost four thousand and The fifth place is for Hannover with just over three thousand logs per square kilometre.

07 January 2020

Where can you find the most caches in Germany?

To get an overview of where to cache, maps can be a handy tool. But when planning for a larger area the maps of geocaching.com tends to be overcrowded with geocache icons. I try a different approach. With the help of heat maps, I try to find out where the most interesting caches can be found. This maps shows where the most geocaches per square kilometre.

As expected the most geocaches can be found in Urban areas.

With more than nine geocaches per square km Dresden has the highest concentration of geocaches in Germany. Followed by Berlin with seven and a half. Hanover has a little more than seven caches per square kilometre.

Fourth place is for Frankfurt with almost six and a half. Hamburg and Leipzig both have six and a quarter geocaches per square kilometre.