18 February 2020

Where are the most favorite caches in The Netherlands?

Last week we saw that in The Netherlands on average caches are rewarded with almost thirty favourites. This week I show you where the caches with the most favourites can be found.

The map below combines two statistics the number of caches determines the opacity, where the areas that are the most transparent have the fewest caches and the most opaque ones the most. The average number of favourites sets the hue. The hottest cache area, those with the most favourites are coloured red. Blue for the area with the least caches and green is in between.

The top area for favourites with almost one hundred and eighty favourites per cache is Malden near Nijmegen. Many caches by remralcache make this happen.

Near Apeldoorn there are two hot spots. One with almost one hundred and ten in Uchelen. Another one in Beekbergen with almost one hunderd favoures per cache. In the first area we see many high rated caches by Geo Chaos and in the second by Josvstaalduinen.

Next is Hippolytushoef where De Bosmannetjes have created many interesting caches giving this area an average of almost eighty favourites per cache. The caches of djpebe helped Helmond to be in the fifth place with just under sixty favourites per cache.

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