12 May 2020

Favourites per log in Poland?

Caches with many found also gather more easy many favorites. So previous week focusedon cities. This week we look at favourites per log and see some rural areas in the top ten.

1) 8.9% Kęszyca
2) 7.4% Busko-Zdrój
3) 7.1% Szczecin
4) 6.8% Bydgoszcz
5) 6.7% Gdynia
6) 6.6% Jaśkowice
7) 6.5% Lubin
8) 6.4% Łódź
9) 5.9% Opole
10) 5.8% Tarnów

05 May 2020

Favourites in Poland?

Three months ago, we discovered there are not many favourites to be found in Poland. This week we look at the map to see where those favourites can be found.

The map and the table show the average number of favourites per cache.

1) 7.2 Kowary
2) 6.6 Kraków
3) 6.0 Kęszyca
4) 5.8 Warsaw
5) 5.5 Łęknica
6) 5.2 Kudowa-Zdrój
7) 5.2 Gdańsk
8) 4.9 Sopot
9) 3.9 Wrocław
10) 3.7 Świnoujście

28 April 2020

Where get caches the most favourites per log in France?

Since I have the data for France, I also present the number of favourites per found in an area. That gives the following result.Again the area near the German border has the high score. Paris is not present in the top ten. Another border area: Savoie.

The top ten areas for percentage favourites.

1) 13.0% Jouaville
2) 11.9% Valencisse
3) 11.9% Abreschviller, Moselle
4) 11.7% Autrey
5) 11.1% Val-d'Isère, Savoie
6) 10.6% Metzervisse
7) 10.5% Billième
8) 9.8% Saint-Thibaud-de-Couz, Savoie
9) 9.7% Callac
10) 9.6% Amboise

21 April 2020

Where can you find favourites in France?

This time a special request: The number of favourites in France per square kilometre. As you can see the most favourites can be found along the German border.

The list of top favourite locations is shown below:
1) 13.8 Leutenheim
2) 12.6 Gros-Réderching
3) 10.5 Crusnes
4) 9.5 Thionville
5) 9.4 Paris
6) 9.1 Veckring
7) 9.1 Urschenheim
8) 8.8 Vaux
9) 7.1 Rixheim
10) 6.4 Dorlisheim

14 April 2020

And where are the smallest caches in The Netherlands

When we looked where the largest caches are in The Netherlands last week, I expected the cities to be the areas with the smallest caches. This week I've run the numbers and discovered something different. The area with on average the smallest caches is Afsluitdijk with less than 50 mililitres.

In second place with over 51 ml Vlieland. Lauwersoog comes in third with 52 ml. Fourth place is for Kornwerderzand with almost 53 ml. Then the caches become larger. For number five in De Cocksdorp they have become on average almost 100 ml.

So an area with small caches is not an urban area, but area's with few caches where they are small.

07 April 2020

Where are the largest caches in The Netherlands?

Last week we discovered The Netherlands have the largest cache containers in the world. This week we look where we can find the largest caches in that country. The map below shows the largest caches in red, the smallest in blue and green in between. Just as in the maps before the more opaque the more caches in that area.

As expected we won't find the many large caches in rural areas. But to my surprise the large caches can be found close to rural areas. First place with more than four litres is Hoenderloo near Apeldoorn. A few weeks ago we saw the caches by Geo Chaos receive many favourites. This week we discover another way he creates great caches.

In Rijssen near Almelo caches also have a size of more than four litres. Here JanScheppink is one of the people that creates great caches. Hapert near Eindhoven is the last place with more than four litres. We see large caches by Puttervink here.

For the next ones we go to Friesland. The caches of NTM27 give Fjildwei near Sneek the fourth position withwith the three point eight litres. With almost three point seven litres the fifth place is for De Knipe near Heerenveen, here you can find the caches by De Bijtjes.

31 March 2020

Where are the largest caches?

Last week I determined the size of the size groups that are available in geocaching. This week I use those values to calculate which country has on average the  biggest caches. As usual with these list topped with countries that have a few large caches. In this case the one large cache of US Minor Outlying Islands is enough to offset the three other smalls to give it the number one position with more than sixteen litres.

Again I make a table with the average size for countries with more than ten thousands caches:
United States1.238
South Africa1.168
New Zealand1.095
United Kingdom0.694
We can see that this weeks winner is The Netherlands with more than two point two liters. Number to with just under two liters is Czechia and third place is for Australia with one and three quarters of a litre.

In the bottom we see the United Kingdom with almost seven hundreds  millilitres. Italy with six hundreds millilitres and Japan in last place with an average cache size of less than half of a litre.

24 March 2020

How large is a small? Or how small is a large?

While difficulty and terrain ranking for caches are quite difficult to determine, limits for cache sizes are explicit stated in the guidelines:
Micro< 100 ml
Small100 ml - 1 l
Regular1 l - 20 l
Large> 20 l
So we can say the size of a small is somewhere between 100 and 1000 ml. But what number can we put to a large? When

I put the points between the sizes on a graph. These are the red dots. It's impossible to put a straight line though it. But a power curve seems to fit very well. For those who are interested, the formula is:

 y = 0.0002889774 ⋅ x8.896249
We can enter the numbers fore the sizes. This gives:
Micro0.29 ml
Small140 ml
Regular5.0 l
Large66 l
For your information: The size of a photo cannister is about 50 ml, an 30 cal ammo box is 3.5 litres a 50 cal 7.5 litres.

17 March 2020

But where are caches getting the most favourites in Switzerland?

Last week we saw where a caches get a high percentage of favourites in Switzerland. It's also interesting to see where caches get the most area. Then number one is Schöftland with on average fifty favourites per cache. With many great caches by Breiteweg 4, 5040 Schöftland, Switzerland Svendi.

The rest of the top three is located near Basel. Number two is Rheinparkstrasse with forty three favourites per cache. With a big contribution from mrradach's caches to that result. With twenty eight favourites the third place if for Arlesheim. An area where many people create well rated caches, don pipolino is one of them.

For the next caches we return to last weeks top area: Zurich. Number four is Effretikon and five Winterthur. Both have just under twenty eight favourites per cache. In Effretikon you can find nice caches by Don Rodolphos. In Winterthur, the caches of tiaratami collect many favourites.

10 March 2020

Where does Einstein cache?

Last week we found out Switzerland has the most favourites relative to the number of found logs. Today we are going to look where the caches with those many favourites can be found.

We see a number of hotspots south of Zürich. The top one with more than fifteen percent is Herrliberg. The caches of cassiopeias contribute a lot to this.

The second place is for Mönchaltorf. Two teams Fortunei and anbolusa make a great contribution here. Effretikon, also in the area of Zürich comes in third. Don Rodolpho plays a big part in this area. Both have about fourteen and a half percent favourites.

Other regions in Zwiterland have also a high percentage of favourites. Near Bern we find Büren an der Aare with almost fourteen percent favourites. Here we can find many great caches by Power-Ey. Near Basel we find another series of hotspot. With more than thirteen percent favourites Fehren has the highest rating. A shout out to meury for their caches.

Albert Einstein studied at the polytechnic in Zürich, from 1896 to 1900. From 1909, he was a Professor in this city.

03 March 2020

Which is Einsteins most favourite geocaching country?

A few weeks ago we looked at which country had the most favourites per cache. But as Albert Einstein teached us: "Every thing is relative". So this week we don't look at the number of favourites an average cache scores, but to the favourites relative to the number of found logs in a country.

When we look at the numbers we see again the countries with few caches score the extremes. Yemen with only two caches with eighteen founds and five favourite ends in the first place with almost thirty percent favourites per log. Second are the Wallis and Futuna Islands which only cache collects with twenty five percent favourites. Third place for Tonga with just under twenty five percent favourites.

Again we look at the countries with at least ten thousands of  caches. Then we got the following result:
Switzerland 7.4%
Netherlands 7.0%
Belgium 6.8%
Germany 6.6%
Ireland 6.3%
Austria 5.8%
Denmark 5.8%
Norway 5.5%
Sweden 5.4%
United Kingdom 5.0%
New Zealand 5.0%
South Africa 4.9%
Finland 4.8%
Australia 4.7%
Italy 4.6%
France 4.5%
Canada 4.5%
Spain 4.5%
Slovakia 4.3%
Czechia 4.1%
Portugal 4.1%
United States 3.9%
Poland 3.2%
Japan 3.1%
Who would expect the country Einstein moved to in 1895 and became a citizen of in 1901 would be his favourite country.

When we compare this week top with that of a tree weeks ago, we see the Netherlands has dropped one place with seven precent. Belgium gained one place and Germany lost one. The last country with more than six percent favourites per log is Ireland.

25 February 2020

Where are the most favorite caches by logs in The Netherlands?

Last week we looked at the areas in the Netherlands where caches get on average the most favourites. It's logical that caches that get found more, also get more favourites. So this gives easy caches and caches in areas with many geocachers an advantage. This week I look at in which areas where we look at where are caches getting the most favourites per log.

The  top area with almost 15% is Broek between Sneek and Joure. With many caches of xNTM-27xx contributing to this result. Congratulations.

Just as last week the Beekbergen near Apeldoorn comes in second place with 12.5%. Last week number one is now in third position. The area of Malden near Nijmegen collects 12.4% favourites. A shout out to Geo Chaos and remralcache for their great caches.

Last weeks number five has gained one position. The caches near Helmond collect 11% favourites. Well done djpebe. In fifth place also with 11% is Peest near Assen. Where klinki creates high rated caches.

18 February 2020

Where are the most favorite caches in The Netherlands?

Last week we saw that in The Netherlands on average caches are rewarded with almost thirty favourites. This week I show you where the caches with the most favourites can be found.

The map below combines two statistics the number of caches determines the opacity, where the areas that are the most transparent have the fewest caches and the most opaque ones the most. The average number of favourites sets the hue. The hottest cache area, those with the most favourites are coloured red. Blue for the area with the least caches and green is in between.

The top area for favourites with almost one hundred and eighty favourites per cache is Malden near Nijmegen. Many caches by remralcache make this happen.

Near Apeldoorn there are two hot spots. One with almost one hundred and ten in Uchelen. Another one in Beekbergen with almost one hunderd favoures per cache. In the first area we see many high rated caches by Geo Chaos and in the second by Josvstaalduinen.

Next is Hippolytushoef where De Bosmannetjes have created many interesting caches giving this area an average of almost eighty favourites per cache. The caches of djpebe helped Helmond to be in the fifth place with just under sixty favourites per cache.

11 February 2020

What's the most favourite geocaching country?

I'm not wondering in what country the most favourites are given. That is bound to be the country with the most caches: The United States has accumulated almost four hundred thousands favourites with overr one million caches.

When we look to the number of favourites per cache. We get the extreme results for countries with very few caches. The nine caches of Vatican City have accumulated almost three thousand favourites. We see also big numbers for Gibraltar, Sint Maarten, San Marino, Lichtenstein and Monaco.

At the other side, there's only one cache in Eritrea and Guinea-Bissau both have not gotten a favourite yet, and neither have the nine caches in Comoros.

When we look at only countries with a decent number of caches, where I define a decent number as at least ten thousands caches. The following list appears:
United Kingdom6.1
New Zealand4.4
United States3.8
South Africa3.0
The country with the most favourites is The Netherlands with an average of almost thirty favourites per cache. Followed by Czechia with more than twenty. Runners up are Germany, Belgium and Switzerland with almost seventeen favourites per cache.

The glorious winner of the absolute numbers end in the bottom five, only leaving behind Canada, South Africa, Poland and Japan.

04 February 2020

The most average favourite caches In Germany

Last week we saw that places with a large number of caches (cities) also accumulate many favourites. I wonder what the result is when we divide the number of favourites in an area by then number of caches in that area. That will give us the average number of favourites for a cache in that area. In the map below we can see where caches get many favourites.

As expected with the results from last week in mind the top result are Einhausen, between Lorsch and Bürstadt, and Wachtendonk. Both places manage to receive almost two hundreds favourites per cache. Again a my congratulations and thanks for creating great caches to die Helden and Hotbina.

The third position with more than seventy favourites per cache is for the city of Hamburg. Quite an accomplishment since cities are also hosts to many uninteresting micro's. With just over sixty favourites per cache is Waldsolms, where finkenpiraten have created high rated caches.

Also just over sixty favourites per cache can be found in Rodgau and also in Friedrichsdorf. High rated caches in the first town are created by Plotino in the second one by TCapitano.

28 January 2020

Where can you find the most favourites in Germany?

Last weeks I showed the number of caches and number of founds. But I prefer quality over quantity. Last week we've seen caches with a large number of finds don't have to be high quality caches. This week I try a different metric for quality: Favourites. 

So this week I show you the number of favourites per square kilometre. Off course areas with many geoaches are also areas where many favourites are given. But there are differences with last weeks maps.

Despite the fact that Hamburg is only placed in fifth position with regards to the number of caches, it's this week's number one with more than five hundred favourites per square kilometre. The number two in number of caches, Berlin, is here also number two with just under five hundered caches.

On the third place we find the first non urban area. The caches from die Helden and their friends have given the the area between Lotsch and Burstadt more than four hundreds and sixty favourites per square kilometres.

Then again two urban areas. Fourth place for Dresden with just over four hundreds favourites. Hanover has the fifth place with over three hundreds and thirty. At last a compliment for Hotbina, with two hundreds and  seventy five favourites per square kilometre, their caches put the small town of Wachtendonk in sixth position on this list.

21 January 2020

Why are the most found caches not the most interesting?

Combining the data from the previous two weeks we find the area's where caches have the most founds. If you think that are also the most interesting caches, your are in for a surprise.

The area with the most logs per cache is Walsleben. There you find two autobahn caches: Walsleben - West and Walsleben - Ost, they have more than four thousand log each and not many other caches in the neighbourhood. Giving this area an average of more than 1350 found logs per cache.

If you've read the two previous post, you might have guessed Hamburg will end up high in this list, and you are correct. It has the second position with an average of 1160 found logs  per cache.

The many caches in Borken in Wernigerode give it's it third place with almost 1140 logs per cache. Positions number four and five are for Neuzelle and Goldelund. The only two other area's that have more than one thousand logs per cache. Both areas have a geotrail that attracts many logs. Schlaubetal- Rundherum in Neuzelle and Zwischen den Meeren near Goldelund.

You probably know with more than 35 thousand founds Lego - einer ist zuviel is Germany's most found geocache. But since there are many caches in Berlin with not many founds, the average number of founds in Berlin is so low, it doesn't appear in the top ten.

14 January 2020

Where are the most caches found in Germany?

Last week I showed you where the most caches can be found in Germany. This week I show you where caches actually are found. The map of the week shows the number of founds in Germany.

It's logical places with many caches will also receive many find logs. So it's no surprise last week number one Dresden is also this weeks number one with almost seven thousand found logs per square kilometre.

A surprise is Hamburg. With only the seventh place last week, it's now coming in second with just over six thousand founds per square kilometre. Pushing last week second place Berlin with fifty eight hundreds to the third place.

München, not even in the number of caches top ten comes in at fourth place with almost four thousand and The fifth place is for Hannover with just over three thousand logs per square kilometre.

07 January 2020

Where can you find the most caches in Germany?

To get an overview of where to cache, maps can be a handy tool. But when planning for a larger area the maps of geocaching.com tends to be overcrowded with geocache icons. I try a different approach. With the help of heat maps, I try to find out where the most interesting caches can be found. This maps shows where the most geocaches per square kilometre.

As expected the most geocaches can be found in Urban areas.

With more than nine geocaches per square km Dresden has the highest concentration of geocaches in Germany. Followed by Berlin with seven and a half. Hanover has a little more than seven caches per square kilometre.

Fourth place is for Frankfurt with almost six and a half. Hamburg and Leipzig both have six and a quarter geocaches per square kilometre.