07 April 2020

Where are the largest caches in The Netherlands?

Last week we discovered The Netherlands have the largest cache containers in the world. This week we look where we can find the largest caches in that country. The map below shows the largest caches in red, the smallest in blue and green in between. Just as in the maps before the more opaque the more caches in that area.

As expected we won't find the many large caches in rural areas. But to my surprise the large caches can be found close to rural areas. First place with more than four litres is Hoenderloo near Apeldoorn. A few weeks ago we saw the caches by Geo Chaos receive many favourites. This week we discover another way he creates great caches.

In Rijssen near Almelo caches also have a size of more than four litres. Here JanScheppink is one of the people that creates great caches. Hapert near Eindhoven is the last place with more than four litres. We see large caches by Puttervink here.

For the next ones we go to Friesland. The caches of NTM27 give Fjildwei near Sneek the fourth position withwith the three point eight litres. With almost three point seven litres the fifth place is for De Knipe near Heerenveen, here you can find the caches by De Bijtjes.

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